Sunday, December 30, 2012

Better late than never

It has been over a year since I last posted and a lot has happened!! While grieving the loss of both my parents and my beloved dog Patty, I lost my Best Friend Brandy in July. I miss her everyday. I just spent Christmas eve with her Mom, Grandmother and all her children!! 

I was so very proud of myself when I bought their clothes for them to wear for Midnight Mass!! I have never purchased for boys before, only girls. (Seeing how I only have a daughter) Thank you Old Navy!!

Knowing I was going somewhere for Christmas really put me in the Christmas spirit which I haven't felt over the past few years. I actually made my chocolate this year and added in Nanaimo bars with chocolate chip cookies!! I participated in a cookie exchange (hadn't done that either for a few years and I love those!) and enjoyed the company of my friends.

November 28, 2011 I had a major surgery and shortly after that I was diagnosed with CarcinoidNET cancer. Talk about a blow to my stomach. I was highly under the effects of dilaudin when the oncologist came in but I assure you, I understood exactly why he was there, I had gone through all three cancers (Colon, Prostate and finally Pancreatic) with my Father and my Mothers pancreatic cancer. 

I was in denial for a while. I couldn't have this rare cancer. Nope....I don't have it. Even after I had my follow up with my surgeon and he told me it was a NET and three out of sixteen lymph nodes were metastasized ...I still couldn't accept it. No, no, no, no....I do not have cancer. Then, it hit one day. Six months later, after I had a follow up with my oncologist. Tumour levels were elevating but serotonin levels are o.k. 

Tumour levels are raising?? He wants to wait and see?? What?? 

I am fortunate to have wonderful friends and I have found a few support groups on Facebook that have helped. Unfortunately there is no cure. And in case you were wondering, Zebra is the mascot and ribbon colour for CarcinoidNET cancer. Wear your stripes!!

I have made some serious lifestyle changes. I quit smoking 11 months ago. I joined Shapes in November and I am eating healthier!! It's been hard changing my eating habits more than anything else but I can do this. A great friend from boarding school has reached out to me and he motivates me!! I am glad he is back in my life.

I have become a huge advocate for CarcinoidNET Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer. I tell everyone I know about them and talk about it whenever I get a chance!! Lauren and I just participated in our first walk for Pancan and I raised $270.00!! I'll get more next year!!

My house has been completely renovated and I am much happier with it now. My animals keep me busy so I am never bored!!

Well, I must tend to Yoonis. He hurt himself yesterday and is very pathetic right now. My poor, poor, poor baby.

Yoonis supports CarcinoidNET cancer very well!!!

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